A Sanctuary Sunday Event!
Let us step into this Advent time of year walking towards the darkest winter solstice day and celebrate this season of Light! Candles and colorful light will ensoul the space as we reset and replenish in a Crystal Bowl Sound Meditation led by Diamond of Divinity in You and D Bowl Guy. Feel the waves of tonal tranquility wash over you, melting your barriers to peace, allowing your Light of purity to shine forth; soothing, calming, healing and reconnecting you to wholeness and Source.
Please bring a mat, pillow and/or blanket to be comfortable.
All welcomed to enjoy a cup of tea after this experience and visit or quietly leave and carry the Light within you.
Location: St. Michael’s Episcopal Church Community Room in Barrington
647 Dundee Ave. Barrington ~ Entrance off parking lot in back of church
Space is limited, so please RSVP to Donna! Must RSVP to attend.
Offering: $ 25- $ 40 investment Pay as able. Proceeds benefit Cary Grove Food Pantry
RSVP with payment. Ways to pay:
Mail check to Donna Brooks, 214 Crystal Street, Suite D, Cary, IL 60013
Zelle: 224-623-1527
Paypal: @DonnaBrooksTherapist@gmail.com
Venmo: Donna-Brooks-52